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Honoré Mercier is equipped with a team of professionals provided by the school in conjunction with the school board and C.S.S.S. These professionals work hard to contribute to the well-being and success of all students.

Library Services 

School libraries enrich and support the educational program of the school and provide a wide range of materials, with diversity of appeal and different points of view. 

The role of the school librarian (Documentation Technician) is to provide assistance to students and staff in regard to research and use of the library facilities. He or she also manages the classification system, document conservation and disposal. 

Special Education Technician 

The special education technician applies techniques and methods in keeping with an individualized education plan intended for special needs students, students with social maladjustments or learning difficulties in keeping with a program designed for students requiring specific support.  

Registered Nurse 

The school nurse is available to provide consultation, screening, prevention, vaccinations, referral and health/vaccination records for students. 

Student Supervision 

The school provides supervision on school grounds during lunchtime, in-between classes and during breaks to ensure that rules are observed and that students are safe.  

Nutritional Education 

Dietitians travel from school to school visiting classrooms and cafeterias to talk to students about eating nutritious foods and being healthy. The EMSB in-class programs aim to teach students how to make healthy food choices and instill the values of eating nutritious foods and living a healthy lifestyle. 

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