All EMSB schools, adult and vocational centres, as well as the EMSB Administration building are closed today, Thursday, February 13, 2025, due to poor weather conditions.

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Daycare Program

Honoré Mercier offers outside regular class hours service for preschool and elementary school children called B.A.S.E. (Before and After School Enriched) Daycare Program. Service is provided for both early entry and after school care.

Its objective is to enhance the lives of children ages 4-to-12 years old by providing them with enriching educational activities. At the Core B.A.S.E. is to provide: Provides a welcoming and nurturing environment that ensures the safety and general wellbeing of the children served; Complements and contributes to the achievement of the school’s commitment to success plan; Promotes a culture of student success by coordinating activities and recreational projects pertaining to the six educational cores: Homework and Snack, Creative Arts, Media Awareness, Physical Activity, Environmental Consciousness and Specialty Programs, such as those tailored for children with special needs. All these programs contribute to the children’s overall development. Encourages the development of the children’s social skills, such as respect, cooperation and openness to others; Offers homework support after school by providing students with an appropriate place in which to work and the time and materials they require; Builds a professional teaching community that contributes to early childhood education and care by enhancing the competencies of the daycare staff through continual professional development and mentoring programs.

Examples of activities to enjoy at Honore Mercier B.A.S.E.

  • Homework assistance
  • Educator run activity (art, baking, cooking, science, environmental and educational projects, student leadership, etc)
  • ECA such as SportLife, Latin dance, Sports ball, video animation
  • Garden club
  • Theme projects and activities
  • Festivals, celebrations, community initiate projects

We’re open for Pedagogical days

B.A.S.E. daycare is open to all students on Pedagogical days. However, advance registration is required for your child to attend on those days. For pedagogical days, the daycare organizes various activities to ensure that the children have a fun day off from school.

Fieldtrips such as:

  • Apple picking
  • Olympic pool
  • Cabane à Sucre
  • Parc Safari
  • Bowling/movies
  • Jungle gyms, etc
  • In-house activities such as Enfant and Co, Dynamix, Mega-Animation, etc

For more information regarding our daycare, please contact our daycare coordinator, Mr. Marco DeCrescentis at (514) 323-4023 or at

Daily Schedule

Morning: 7h00 – 7h43
Afternoon: 14h45 – 18h00
Pedagogical Days: 7h00 -18h00
  • Please note that the daycare closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. An additional fee of $1.25/minute will be added to your statement for late pick-ups.
  • Daycare is not available during daycare staff professional days, spring break, statutory holidays and the summer.

IMPORTANT: If you require daycare services for a child who will begin Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, and is new to the school, kindly contact the Daycare Technician to register. If you do not require daycare services, no action is required.

Should you have any questions concerning the on-line daycare registration, please communicate with the Daycare Technician Mr. Marco DeCrescentis at (514) 323-4023 or send us an e-mail at

Fee Structure

The Daycare fee structure is based on the student’s status in the daycare. A student’s status is designated as Regular, Sporadic or Occasional.
Regular: (For a maximum of five hours) $9.50/day
Pedagogical Day: (For a total of 10 hours. Additional activity fees may apply) $15.00/day
Sporadic + Occasional: (On regular school days) Fees are based on the blocks the student attends, partial or full, and varies per school depending on the time of each daycare period.
A regular student is one who is registered and attending Daycare for a minimum of one to five days a week and a minimum of two periods a day. This applies to students who attend on a weekly basis and follow a fixed schedule.
A sporadic student is one who is registered and attending Daycare for one period a day (AM, LUNCH or PM). Please note that the lunch period is considered a block. A sporadic student is also someone who is registered and attends on a pedagogical day.
An occasional student is one who is registered but does not have a forecasted attendance and does not attend on a weekly basis. Daycare Services are needed for emergency purposes. The parent/guardian must give the daycare a 24-hour notice when possible and keep in mind that it is not a guarantee that their child(ren) will be put in the same daycare group as their classmates.
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