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Sports &


At Honoré Mercier, the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and teamwork through sport are valuable lessons that our students will carry with them for a lifetime, whether or not they choose a career in sports or as a personal lifestyle.

Enriched Physical Education Program

Physical education is a developmental process that begins in early childhood and continues throughout one’s life. Our physical education program is a planned step by step K-6 program that provides cognitive challenges and different learning experiences in a variety of activity areas. Quality physical education promotes, through a variety of planned activities, each student’s optimal physical, mental, emotional and social development, and provides activities and sports that all students enjoy and can pursue throughout their lives. In order for all students to adopt a physically active lifestyle, individuals must possess an understanding of body mechanics and the accompanying attitudes and skill that promote safe, regular activity. We provide the necessary foundation of knowledge and skill related to movement and physical activity. From motor skill learning to movement concepts, physical education recognizes that all students possess their own unique capabilities and are in charge of their own physical, emotional and social well being.

Sports at Honoré Mercier

The aim of our Physical Education program is for the students to experience a wide range of team and individual-based sports in a fun and exciting way.

Health & Nutrition : Nourishing the minds of our students

The mission of Nutrition and Food Services of the EMSB is to enhance the health, well-being and academic success of EMSB students.

The EMSB aims at promoting health-enhancing attitudes and behaviours among all students by providing an environment encouraging healthy eating habits. By ensuring access to nutritious foods through our school cafeterias and our nutritional support programs, we contribute to the achievement of our students’ full academic potential. By teaching the essential knowledge and skills students need to make nutritious food choices, we contribute to the prevention of childhood nutrition-related problems such as obesity, diabetes and dental diseases.

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