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Honoré Mercier students are passionate about science!

From the start of their elementary school experience, our kindergarten and cycle 1 students are exposed to scientific inquiry through hands on learning.

Cycle 2 and 3 students have the opportunity to explore science and technology in French. It is based on 3 scientific concepts: Living ThingsEarth and Space and the Material World.

Science classes equip students with the knowledge they need, in order to inquire about the world that surrounds them. Technology is incorporated throughout our curriculum.

Students continuously attain grand achievements at the Quebec Regional Science Fair.  They consistently return with Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal standing for their stellar scientific projects!  We have an exceptional program which encourage our children to excel with facility.

Scientific Concepts / Essential Knowledge

Material WorldEarth and SpaceLiving Things
  • Properties, characteristics and changes of matter in different states
  • Forms, transmission and transformation of energy
  • Gravity, electrostatic and magnetic attraction
  • Simple machines, electrical systems and transportation of energy
  • Use of simple measuring instruments and machines
  • Properties, characteristics, organization and transformation of matter on Earth
  • Sources, transmission and transformation of consumable energy
  • Forces and motion that affect Earth
  • Planet Earth, the solar system, stars and galaxies
  • Meteorological systems, atmospheric and geological technologies
  • Use of measurement and observational instruments and how they are made
  • Characteristics, organization and transformations of plants, animals and humans
  • Sources and transformation of energy in living things
  • Types of motion in animals and plants
  • Interaction between living organisms, humans and their environments
  • Environmental technologies
  • Use of measurement and observational instruments
  • Design and manufacturing of closed environments

What is STEAM ?

STEAM represents a multi-disciplinary initiative that promotes creativity and high levels of student engagement, as they perform a series of group projects that not only involve five school subject domains, but also makes them more relevant, creative, discovery-based and interesting for students.

Popular in schools in China, India and the United States, STEAM engages students in a hands-on, trial and error basis by involving them in a series of interactive projects that integrate the five educational disciplines that make up the STEAM acronym, using the latest technological devices and the most simplest of building materials. The projects involve the students in a group dynamic, as they work together by conceptualizing, communicating, collaborating and building within authentic situations that are given to them by their teacher. In turn, they figure out together how things work by actions, by bringing out a more reality-based approach into the classroom. As a result, these STEAM projects foster not only communication, conceptualization and collaboration, but also curiosity, creativity and critical thinking.

The nucleus of the STEAM program is the “Makerspace,” which is usually a converted unused classroom. It provides the tools and supplies that are more accessible to the students for their use towards accomplishing the exercise or project in question and helps develop an atmosphere where innovative creativity and learning can take place.

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