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students playing flag

Activities and

Field Trips

Field trips are an enhancement to our curriculum and are regarded as an important part of the learning experience. At Honoré Mercier, we complement classroom education by taking all students on several field trips during the school year. These outings are intended to promote an appreciation of culture, the environment, or physical fitness.

A new calendar of field trips is developed each year. Field trips may include those to the theater, to the symphony, to the apple orchard and to provincial parks and nature centres. Beyond their educational benefits, these outings create opportunities to foster whenever possible, cross-grade bonds of friendship and mutual respect.

School Activities and Events

AthleticsAcademicsArts and MusicSchool Events
GMAA Sports TournamentsStorytelling FestivalTheatrical ProductionsJungle Sport
Ski WeekScience FairMusical ConcertsFundraising
Basketball and VolleyballBook FairSchool ChoirKinderfest
KarateHomework Program Fun in the Sun Day
   I Love to Read Week
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