Honoré Mercier provides extra help for students who are struggling academically. In most cases, this help can be in the form of private tutoring or online tutoring and homework help.
Sometimes a student has specific learning challenges that require the help of our resource support team of teachers, special education technicians and professional staff. Together they can help diagnose the problem areas and create an individualized education plan for the student in need.
Resource Teachers
Support is provided by our resource teachers in both French and English to students who are experiencing learning difficulties in a particular area or who are considered to be at-risk learners. Resource may take place within the classroom setting and/or through pull-out model. Students benefiting from resource support have an I.E.P. (individualized educational plan) prepared for them, in order for students to reach their fullest potential at their own pace.
Online Tutoring and Homework Help
All students and families have access to LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network) which provides e-learning resources and academic support, online tutoring and homework help for all grade levels. A username and password is provided by the school to each student.
After-school homework program
The After-School Homework Program is available for students who need assistance with homework. Supervision and help is provided by a qualified teacher. This program is available to all our students in grades 1 to 6 free-of-charge for one hour after school.